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miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

ok 4/29/13

Ok lets forget everything that you know… we were on a boat we were traveling the atlantic, we were on our way back from south america were we did a research on brazil, a research about the favelas, the reason we were on a boat is unknown it's just like a dream, but one day our instruments went out of control no body knew how or why, so we lost our sense of direction, and ended landing on a beautiful shore a place we thought was on the caribean but we are not certain, were we land there is civilisation, but not the civilisation that we knew, turns out that we landed in a piece of land that was never discovered because the currents do not lead to this part of the world, the people of this land are like normal people, like us they speak english and spanish but they do not believe in any of the religions we know, they welcome us and are really excited about our arrival, looks like they were waiting for us, the leader of these people walks to us and says welcome in a very weird accent none of us have heard before, then he proceeds to take us to his house in the centre of their village, the people is happy to see us, everybody is polite and quite civilised, they are wearing what seems to be clothes form the XVI century, but their constructions look much older, some people wear shoes, some people don't, and seems that everyone speaks both spanish and english fluently and they write too, when we went to the leaders house he told us the story about to ship wrecks that happened many many years ago around the year 1747, one boat was a spaniard boat as they said and the other boat was from the english royalty, both boats were completely lost but most of the men survived, so when the people saved the lives of the spaniards and english they also showed respect and fascination about the new people, turns out that in these boats were traveling wealthy people both from each of their nations, very educated people, not vandals or pirates, so those people thought to the natives to speak english and spanish with out mixing, they thought them to respect the languages and to respect life as well.

this part of the world seemed to be missed by the explorers, ok now imagine that in our boat we were traveling with artists and designers, all of us we know the best technics of production, and we all love to design for the best of the communities, thing that has been very difficult in a world that runs on money, but here we have a chance to brake all the rules of our culture and have a fresh start and reinvent everything, because as this land was never really discovered is a virgin land a virgin society, they are not corrupt they do  not know about stealing and lying, because the people that educated them were nice people and they agreed to never teach them the worst part of our society, the only thing that seems to be a little bit weird is that they have no advanced technology, they learn everything that the spaniards and the english people show them and they saw everything as perfect and never thought about improving or new technologies, so this is a clean place on earth there is no waste, no pollution, no overproduction, and a lot of sense to life, every one is willing to help and to learn, so we are preparing our selfs to show them the XXI century, but the problem is that there is no electricity and our boat has no fix for that, so we have the task to reinvent everything that we know will be very useful for the people but with out electricity or electronics, we have to find a new way to design, we have the chance to reinvent technology, 
they don't have cheap plastics, that pollute, but there is a resin that comes from a tree that is just like plastic, so we invent a machine that is like a 3d printer, we mixed the idea of the the machine to create fabrics (telar), we are using the same concept of working by hand, but to create objects, with the very precision of the telar and the patience of the people is amazing, they have no rush for anything, they take their time and respect others some how they know that to learn they have to be very careful so they learn very well.
we are using their old techniques to create things of our era, first we are focusing on building our shelters, or houses, but they are very respectful and grateful with nature and they say that we have to take all that the earth and the sky gives us, like the rain, and the sun, the night and the day, they have studied every thing and every face of the day and the night, they don't let anything go to waste, they even build thinking on the position of the earth according to the sun and the stars, we can not understand this yet, but we are trying to learn like them.
So our shelters we have to build from the ground to the top, we are doing first the services for water that has been used apart from our production of shit and urine, turns out that to wash there is no need for soaps or any other contaminant,

Lets think about art for a moment. 4/28/13

Lets think about art for a moment.

I remember from my art history classes, and i have done that course 3 times almost 4, that "art" was to be selected, by someone, or some institution had to say what was "art" and what wasn't, all the time this person or institution would be from the highest point of society, would come from the richest social circles for the richest people, right?

And still today art is a way of selling or making money, look at all the collectors of master pieces, look at the prices of some mass produced tomato soup paintings, look at the price on the paintings that were used to pay the rent of a schizophrenic dude that ended up cutting his ear off and died without one painting sold at the price of today.

So is art for the rich? is art only meant to be exhibit in the richest houses or the most beautiful museums that are already full of this so called "master pieces".

in pop art the artist thought of mass produced art to make it economical or paintings of mass produced stuff to have laugh of the irony, the artist would make fun of the system portraying soups, comics, pictures of normal people doing normal stuff, a fucking banana: the popular taste; And this idea makes me think of "the popular taste" the taste of those who where not so lucky, of those who live every day in ignorance, ignoring so much; are they unfortunate by ignoring or fortunate to ignore what we "the non-ignorants" can't ignore, who is the lucky one?  

So we have this big wall that divides people in two by different categories, for example rich and poor or as i say wealthy and broke, the alphabet and the an-alphabet(look up for the right words), white and non white, up and low society, high and low class, those who can and those can not, those who have and those who don't, the happy ones and the not-happy ones, those who know and those who ignore.  and seems that these walls divide the same people, its just the name of the wall that changes. Who builds this imaginary walls that act as frontiers? where the only way to pass across is by wearing many different passports, passports that end up  being money. yes look: cars, education, titles, brands, luxury, things, looks, the acquisitive power, power, and so on; So are we putting another brick to these walls or are we trying to brake this walls? are we the builders or the destroyers of frontiers, are you building walls or bridges?
I like to think that we are building bridges, but better to destroy the walls that divide us, we are one specie, two genders and many races but still one specie, we are all human. What are you fucking waiting for to start smashing that big wall? and i am not talking to the ones in the bad side of the walls I AM TALKING TO THE ONES IN THE BETTER SIDE, WHY DO YOU KEEP ADDING BRICKS? DONT YOU SEE THAT THIS WORLD IS NOT THE SAME OF BEFORE? WE ARE NOT IN THE IGNORANCE AGES ANYMORE, WE ARE NOW IN THE COMMUNICATION AND SHARING OF true KNOWLEDGE AGE, TODAY THE IGNORANT ONE IS THE ONE THAT DOESNT DO ANYTHING TO HELP AND NOT THE ONE WHO DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO FUCKING READ. ARE YOU AN IGNORANT READER? 


Philosophy is the love for knowledge, so whats the love for ignorance?, is philosophy the hate for ignorance or knowing what to ignore? because i think that some not-ignorant people are those who ignore the most (and by not-ignorant people i am talking about the actual president of mexico, who seems to be on the top ten of the most ignorant men in the world… haha in mexico we have both extremes, the richest man in the world and the one that ignores the most, the irony is that one controls the other, guess who.

the popular taste, for who do you art? in case that you don't only art for yourself, to who do you art for? who is your target? 
I heard that art is the way of making life interesting, whose life do you want to make more interesting? think! who do you want to stand up in front of art or see it on the web or download it on pirate bay or in google images to have as a background or to see it or to listen it? Would you put a price on a more interesting life? duo you really want to be more wealthy? is there anything that you can't actually have? think about money, it is imaginary, we are literally exchanging paper for stuff and receiving paper for our stuff, in some cases money is not even there, and money is the cause of "poor people" what would happen if there was no money involved? what if there is 4 friends, the first friend has this "paper" that has a value, the second one 


i am not sure if we were meant to be , but what i know is that we choose to (can only) be.
we choose each other,and some how we were in the perfect place at the perfect moment
doesn't really matter where or how but we saw each other and we choose to be
right now i feel so lost , i wish to have answers to all my questions but i see that really difficult

i could ask for anything and get it, but what if i don't ask, what if i want to get what i am looking for, by myself.
i have asked way too much… it's time for me stand up and get 

i see many opportunities pass by, and i am really uncertain which one should i grab
and i have realised that is not about choosing, because i could spend a life time deciding what to choose 
thinking what could be the best one 
thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking
and as i think i lose, as i choose is i loose as i think i let go
as i analyse i think
as i think i lose 
as i lose i have lost
(and) i have lost so much 

i am tired of waiting for the right moment in the right place
i will erase that aiming of mine for the right moment at the right place
who do i think i am(?),
 (well) i am the master of my time
i am the owner of my life
of my time 
of my body
I am great 
i am fucking strong
i am powerful
i am exiting
i am honest
i am Jose Antonio
this is my name
i was given this name 
and this is my name
i don't know who decided to call me pepe
but my name is JOSE ANTONIO

i hate this so called "perfect situations"
perfect situations do not exist, we realise that they were perfect 
when we look (up)back at them.
think about it for a second… (perfection is a past sentence)
remember how uneasy or uncomfortable you were at that so called perfect moment
how doubtful you were, how drunk(?) you were… hoe young, how stud, how anything...

i was full of so much doubt
but i chooses to believe, i choose to let it go
even thou 
i didn't  follow that knot in my stomach (saying no)
i wasn't comfortable
i didn't like it at that time
i didn't want to be there 
i didn't want to fall in love
i only liked it after it happened (we don't choose to love, we end up loving)
and now i want it back
so guess what, i will not get (it) that way (by wantin and wanting and wanting)
because is not the way i "want it", 
is the way it is.
and the way it will be.
i am not able to literally to decide 
i am only able to perform, to be, to act (and react) ( i can act or react as they say, but isn't a reaction an action just after an other action? so if i react i am actually acting, because all actions are products of other actions, thats why scientists call it "chain reaction" and it all started with one simple action, with one minimal action, so if art questions whats the boundary of art, of minimal art, of conceptual art, of abstract art, of pop art, of ultra realistic art, of art… i can only say that life is art, we are born artists and we will always be artists. the only difference is how we perform our art, of how we show our art, of where we show our art.
Van Gogh is one of the worst examples of what society or culture or academies call art, because he wasn't doing art, he was only living. and that is not what the institutions consider as art.
there is no logic in art, there is no explanation for art, there is no such thing as art or no art. the art is doing or not; when a painter stops painting a paint did he stopped the art, did he took a brake, did he lost the inspiration, did he fall asleep, did he died? we will never know. art is living, doing or not, being alive is art and being death is when the paint is finish.(if you have painted, you'll know that a paint is never finished) my life is my art not yours, if you don't consider your self an artist you should read this again. fuck everyone's opinion. just act, art and live, which is the same thing.

make your living your own, your own art, is yours don't sell it for some shit like money or fame. live for you and your family, live for life, not for anything else, do not let anything rule your life, because nothing can stop you, unless you let it stop you.

love life, 
life is art,
and art is you.
say it and listen to your self! and then say it again. an again an again until it doesn't make sense, and then say it for the very first time.

are you afraid? i am afraid too. 
i am afraid of things i know ad things i don't know
i am afraid of knowing and afraid of not knowing.
being afraid is being exited is being curious, being afraid is breath taking.
be afraid and be conscious of your fraid. yes FRAID. thats my FRAID my new word 

i am afraid of everything and of nothing too.
so stop thinking, and begin to train yourself for the best, 
so doesn't matter what is going on (and i mean ANYTHING)  
you will be ready to be 
and remember your are being, every breath is you. when you breath i hear you saying i am being, when your heart beats its saying i am being, when you do or stop doing you are being, so to answer the big old question: to be or not to be? I say YOU ARE BEING AND YOU CANT STOP. When you are "not being" YOU ARE ACTUALLY BEING!! 
so don't worry if you choose to do nothing, because you are doing the "doing nothing art" and be aware of your choice.
and always choose wisely BE.

Cars 4/3/13

cars are not made the way they were made before, and they will never be made that way.
what about 3D printed car?


Let me just take an old car rip all the internal components off and put all the inside new with a beautiful design inspired on its own times.

there is no real need (just desire) to redesign something that is already perfect, lets just renew it, keeping it original.
and don't come with things like the new 5cinquecento or mustang or whatever.

A Designer

A designer is not only a designer its actually a finder
We know how and when to bring stuff up