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miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Lets think about art for a moment. 4/28/13

Lets think about art for a moment.

I remember from my art history classes, and i have done that course 3 times almost 4, that "art" was to be selected, by someone, or some institution had to say what was "art" and what wasn't, all the time this person or institution would be from the highest point of society, would come from the richest social circles for the richest people, right?

And still today art is a way of selling or making money, look at all the collectors of master pieces, look at the prices of some mass produced tomato soup paintings, look at the price on the paintings that were used to pay the rent of a schizophrenic dude that ended up cutting his ear off and died without one painting sold at the price of today.

So is art for the rich? is art only meant to be exhibit in the richest houses or the most beautiful museums that are already full of this so called "master pieces".

in pop art the artist thought of mass produced art to make it economical or paintings of mass produced stuff to have laugh of the irony, the artist would make fun of the system portraying soups, comics, pictures of normal people doing normal stuff, a fucking banana: the popular taste; And this idea makes me think of "the popular taste" the taste of those who where not so lucky, of those who live every day in ignorance, ignoring so much; are they unfortunate by ignoring or fortunate to ignore what we "the non-ignorants" can't ignore, who is the lucky one?  

So we have this big wall that divides people in two by different categories, for example rich and poor or as i say wealthy and broke, the alphabet and the an-alphabet(look up for the right words), white and non white, up and low society, high and low class, those who can and those can not, those who have and those who don't, the happy ones and the not-happy ones, those who know and those who ignore.  and seems that these walls divide the same people, its just the name of the wall that changes. Who builds this imaginary walls that act as frontiers? where the only way to pass across is by wearing many different passports, passports that end up  being money. yes look: cars, education, titles, brands, luxury, things, looks, the acquisitive power, power, and so on; So are we putting another brick to these walls or are we trying to brake this walls? are we the builders or the destroyers of frontiers, are you building walls or bridges?
I like to think that we are building bridges, but better to destroy the walls that divide us, we are one specie, two genders and many races but still one specie, we are all human. What are you fucking waiting for to start smashing that big wall? and i am not talking to the ones in the bad side of the walls I AM TALKING TO THE ONES IN THE BETTER SIDE, WHY DO YOU KEEP ADDING BRICKS? DONT YOU SEE THAT THIS WORLD IS NOT THE SAME OF BEFORE? WE ARE NOT IN THE IGNORANCE AGES ANYMORE, WE ARE NOW IN THE COMMUNICATION AND SHARING OF true KNOWLEDGE AGE, TODAY THE IGNORANT ONE IS THE ONE THAT DOESNT DO ANYTHING TO HELP AND NOT THE ONE WHO DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO FUCKING READ. ARE YOU AN IGNORANT READER? 


Philosophy is the love for knowledge, so whats the love for ignorance?, is philosophy the hate for ignorance or knowing what to ignore? because i think that some not-ignorant people are those who ignore the most (and by not-ignorant people i am talking about the actual president of mexico, who seems to be on the top ten of the most ignorant men in the world… haha in mexico we have both extremes, the richest man in the world and the one that ignores the most, the irony is that one controls the other, guess who.

the popular taste, for who do you art? in case that you don't only art for yourself, to who do you art for? who is your target? 
I heard that art is the way of making life interesting, whose life do you want to make more interesting? think! who do you want to stand up in front of art or see it on the web or download it on pirate bay or in google images to have as a background or to see it or to listen it? Would you put a price on a more interesting life? duo you really want to be more wealthy? is there anything that you can't actually have? think about money, it is imaginary, we are literally exchanging paper for stuff and receiving paper for our stuff, in some cases money is not even there, and money is the cause of "poor people" what would happen if there was no money involved? what if there is 4 friends, the first friend has this "paper" that has a value, the second one 

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